Financial Contribution
The TLC accepts financial support to continue our mission of protecting natural
areas. To make a contribution, complete our on-line membership and donation
form on our web site and pay through Square. You may also print and complete
the form and mail it with check payable to “Thumb Land Conservancy”. Mail to:
Thumb Land Conservancy, 4975 Maple Valley Road, Marlette, Michigan 48453.
Vehicle Donations
The TLC benefits from the donation of vehicles through the CARS donation
program. Depending on your tax situation, your vehicle may be more valuable
as an itemized deduction than the income you might get by selling it. Not only do
you avoid the hassle of advertising and dealing with potential buyers, but you
don’t need to get the vehicle in running condition. CARS accepts any vehicle,
driveable or not. To donate, see our donation page at: Or call 855-500-7433.
Land Donation
The TLC accepts donations of land, both for preservation or for resale to support
our program according to the wishes of the landowner. Acceptance of any land
donation is subject to a written agreement and due diligence investigations.
While the TLC has not asked for an endowment fund to pay for future land
costs, we do ask that the donor pay all closing costs, including all taxes and
special assessments due. Unfortunately, while the TLC is a 501(c)3 non-profit
charity exempt from property taxes, conservancies like the TLC are not exempt
from special tax assessments for utilities, roads, and county drains. Property
and income tax benefits to the land donor are highly variable depending on local
taxing authorities, the donor’s tax situation, and the appraised value of the land.
Conservation Easement Donation
The TLC accept donations of conservation easements for the purpose of
protecting natural areas, and in some cases, agricultural land. Because the
establishment of a conservation easement requires production of a detailed
baseline assessment report and other conservation easement documents, we
usually ask the landowner to pay a fee. In circumstances where the landowner
is unable to pay, we may waive the fee. However, the landowner may need to
pay other costs that are beyond our control, such as for land surveying and
attorney review. The TLC tries to work with the landowner to keep all costs to a
minimum. The landowner should also keep in mind, especially in those cases
where they receive a significant tax benefit, that the TLC is committed to annual
inspections of the easement premises and reporting in perpetuity. Property and
income tax benefits to the conservation easement donor are highly variable
depending on local taxing authorities, the donor’s tax situation, and the
appraised value of the land.
Material Donations
The TLC is often in need of materials for preserve signs and building materials
for a few preserve structures and our North Street Station restoration. Please
contact us to discuss what materials you might be able to provide. We can also
welcome the help of those with particular skills in building, crafts, and other
Memberships and Donations
Address Phone*
* Optional. Email is required for e-mail news and other notices. Phone number may be helpful for short
notice on event and schedule changes. Email and phone information remains private. The TLC does not
sell or otherwise benefit from your personal information.
Annual Paid Membership
Individual or Family $40 Business $200
You get:
TLC e-mail news
TLC member card
TLC greeting cards
TLC bumper sticker
TLC patch
You get:
TLC e-mail news
TLC member card
TLC greeting cards
TLC bumper sticker
TLC patch
Your business also gets:
Thumb Nature Guide
Listing on TLC web site
TLC brochures for distribution
Advertisement on TLC web site
$100+ You get listing on TLC web site, Thumb Nature Guide
$500+ You get listing on TLC web site, Thumb Nature Guide and special gift
$1,000+ Contact the TLC for details
$ _____ Other amount, Contact the TLC for details
I do not wish to receive gifts in return for my donation
Donation in memory or honor of: _____________________________________________
Send notification to: _______________________________________________________
$ ______ Annual Membership
$ ______ Donation
$ ______ Total Amount Enclosed
Complete the membership and donation form on our web site and pay through Square.
Or print and complete the form and mail with check payable to “Thumb Land Conservancy”.
Mail to: Thumb Land Conservancy, 4975 Maple Valley Road, Marlette, Michigan 48453